DATE: 10/01/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An Introduction to Computer.
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Know their teacher name.- Spell and recite Computer and Laptop.
STEP 1: Able to join the zoom link, the link will be given through group WhatsApp, but if the internet is not fast the lesson will carry on using Whatsapp.STEP 2: Recite and spell :
Spelling Activity
(Click the blue link above)
(Live Lesson at 8.00am today)
REMINDER: You need to complete the school work before 8pm.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 17/01/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An Introduction to Computer.
DATE: 17/01/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An Introduction to Computer.
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Recognise and differentiate between two devices.- Spell and arrange the letter correctly.
STEP 1: Lesson deliver through whatsapp group. The pupils will use the given worksheet to spell and arrange the word in order.STEP 2: Type your name at group whatsapp for attandence when your are done with the worksheet.
STEP 3: Submit the workshet on Saturday during collecting the Home Pack Learning(HBL).
(You can download the worksheet here)
REMINDER: You need to complete the worksheet before 8pm.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 24/01/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An Introduction to Computer parts.
DATE: 24/01/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An Introduction to Computer parts.
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Spell and recite Monitor and Mouse.- Arrange the letetrs correctly.
STEP 1: Able to join the zoom link, the link will be given through group WhatsApp, but if the internet is not fast the lesson will carry on using Whatsapp.STEP 2: Recite and spell : Monitor & Mouse.
STEP 4 : This is your classwork spelling acticity, Arrange the letter correctly.
(Click the link to watch the video)
DAY: Monday.DATE: 31/01/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Basic part of computer.
DATE: 31/01/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Basic part of computer.
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Recognise and differentiate between two devices you learn last week.- Spell and arrange the letter correctly.
STEP 1: Lesson deliver through whatsapp group. The pupils will use the given worksheet given from HPL to spell and arrange the word to form into a correct name. Colour the devices nicely.STEP 2: Type your name at group whatsapp for attendance when your are done with the worksheet.
STEP 3: Submit the worksheet on Saturday during collecting the Home Pack Learning(HBL).
(You can download the worksheet here)
REMINDER: You need to complete the worksheet before 8pm.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 07/02/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An Introduction to Computer parts.
DATE: 07/02/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An Introduction to Computer parts.
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Spell and recite Keyboard and System unit.- Arrange the letters correctly.
STEP 1: Able to join the zoom link, the link will be given through group WhatsApp, but if the internet is not fast the lesson will carry on using Whatsapp.STEP 2: Recite and spell : Keyboard & System Unit.
(Click the blue link)
STEP 4 : This is your classwork spelling activity, Arrange the letter correctly.
REMINDER: You need to complete the worksheet before 8pm.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 14/02/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Basic part of computer.
DATE: 14/02/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Basic part of computer.
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Recognise and differentiate between two devices you learn last week.- Spell and arrange the letter correctly.
STEP 1: Lesson deliver through whatsapp group. The pupils will use the given worksheet given from HPL to spell and arrange the word to form into a correct name. STEP 2: Colour the devices nicely.STEP 3: Don't forget to type your name at the group whatsapp for attendance.STEP 4: Submit the worksheet on Saturday during collecting the Home Pack Learning(HBL).
(You can download the worksheet here)
REMINDER: You need to complete the worksheet before 8pm.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 21/02/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Basic part of computer (Revision)
DATE: 21/02/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Basic part of computer (Revision)
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Recognise and differentiate between the devices.
STEP 1: This is a revision. The Lesson will deliver through Whatsapp group.STEP 2: Open the online activity below to answer.
(Click the blue link)
STEP 3: Don't forget to type your name on the group Whatsapp for attendance.
REMINDER: You need to complete the worksheet before 8pm.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 07/03/2022.
DATE: 07/03/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An introduction to google classroom (Joining the class).
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An introduction to google classroom (Joining the class).
MATERIALS NEED:- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Click the correct link.- Join the class.
STEP 1: The lesson will deliver through WhatsApp.STEP 2: You will click the link below to join the class.
(Click the blue link to join)
STEP 3: After you join google classroom, the google classroom will be like this.
STEP 4: Then, type your name in the comment box, so that the teacher can check that you are successfully joining the class. Refer to the picture below as a guide.
STEP 5: When you are done Task 1) join the ICT google classroom,Task 2) Fill in the attendance.Type your name at the group Whatsapp for attendance. The teacher will check from your attendance at group Whatsapp and your attendance at the google classroom which of you are successful in joining the class or need help to join the class.
REMINDER: You need to complete the lesson before 8pm.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 14/03/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Computer device.
DATE: 14/03/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Computer device.
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Recognize and differentiate between the devices.- Spell and name the devices.
STEP 1: The Lesson will deliver via Zoom, if the internet is slow the class will carry on using WhatsApp group.STEP 2: Recite and Spell: Printer & Speaker.(Learn to spell the devices)
(To be answer by the pupils)
(Click the video link to view)
STEP 3: Don't forget to type your name when you are done your school work on the group WhatsApp for attendance.
REMINDER: You need to complete the worksheet before 8pm.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 21/03/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Revision.
DATE: 21/03/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: Revision.
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- have a chance to finish the previous work.
STEP 1: The lesson will deliver using Whatsapp.
STEP 2: The teacher will list the names of students who haven't submitted their previous lesson. So today is a chance for them to submit their lesson. The marks will be added to the first school assessment.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 28/03/2022.
DATE: 28/03/2022.
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An introduction to google classwork.
You can finish this lesson within a week since you have an assessment with other subject too.
Wishing you best luck in your 1st Assessment
TIME: 8.00 - 9.00am.
TOPIC: An introduction to google classwork.
You can finish this lesson within a week since you have an assessment with other subject too.
Wishing you best luck in your 1st Assessment
MATERIALS NEED :- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- Click the correct link.- learn using google classwork.
STEP 1: The lesson will deliver through WhatsApp.STEP 2: Watch the tutorial video on how to go to google classwork.
(Click the blue link to view)
STEP 3: You will click the link below to join the class.
(Click the blue link to join)
STEP 4: After you join google classroom, click google classroom menu.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 11/04/2022.
DATE: 11/04/2022.
TIME: 8.15 - 8.50am.
TOPIC: Submit previous work.
This week is for those who haven't submit their previous lesson.
TIME: 8.15 - 8.50am.
TOPIC: Submit previous work.
This week is for those who haven't submit their previous lesson.
- Computer/Gadget.- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- have a chance to submit their previous work.
STEP TO SUCCESS/INSTRUCTIONS:STEP 1: The lesson will deliver through WhatsApp.STEP 2: Teacher will list out name who haven't submit their previous work at whatsapp group.
DAY: Monday.DATE: 18/04/2022.
DATE: 18/04/2022.
TIME: 8.15 - 8.50am.
TOPIC: Revision - Spell the devices.
- Computer/Gadget.
- Internet.
TIME: 8.15 - 8.50am.
TOPIC: Revision - Spell the devices.
- Computer/Gadget.
- Internet.
LESSON OBJECTIVES:At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:- recap their previous lesson.- spell and name the devices.
You have 1 school task today:
- Spell and name of the devices.
STEP 1: Type your name and select the correct class before you start answering the questions.
Here is the link :
- Spell and name of the devices.
STEP 1: Type your name and select the correct class before you start answering the questions.
Here is the link :
Md Akid Irfan done✅